Hello! An Introduction (to me)

I wanted to introduce myself, since I’ve started my Executive Function Coaching practice recently.  

So, yes, I’m Kelly Vogel, Executive Function coach. 

What’s an Executive Function coach?

Oh that’s easy. You know that class that you took in high school where they explained how to manage your time efficiently? Where they talked about how to prioritize and manage multiple projects? Where they explained how to be accountable to yourself and the people around you? I support people with those things.

Wait, you mean you didn’t take that class? Wait – they, um, didn’t offer it? 

Oh, so you took it in college then, right? What? They didn’t offer it then, either?

Oh, shoot. How could I forget?  They don’t teach those things in school. We have to figure them out the hard way, and that way is not always clear.

So, then, the question remains. What is an Executive Function coach? 

I help clients get organized. I help them make improvements in their time management, focus, goal attainment, stress reduction, motivation, leadership skills, and work/life balance. 

I also help people get clear about their priorities, and navigate ways to stay focused on those priorities. This makes room for more creative projects, strategizing, and big-picture thinking. 

In other words, I help people manage their time efficiently and effectively to find and maintain meaningful transformation in their work and personal life. 

Ok. But why did you become an Executive Function Coach?

Well, I got my MA in Literature and for a long time, I was an English and Writing teacher. And I loved it. And despite my love of teaching, after many years of teaching, I realized it was actually my love of supporting students (and not simply the content) that drove me to show up each day. I love literature and writing. But I was seeing so many people getting bogged down by their own practices and systems, struggling with schedules and competing priorities that they couldn’t get work done. I realized I wanted to help people to find joy in their everyday lives rather than feeling burdened by time and schedules. 

I enjoy helping people develop better systems for organization, particularly when systems don’t allow room for growth (which is too often the case). I love leading people through processes that help people open to their creativity and empowerment. I love helping people find their worth. 

So, I transitioned from teaching to supporting people with Executive Function. (Though I still teach a little because I love working with students.)

Importantly, the skills I teach are the ones I use myself.

My life, like yours, is busy;  I’m a mother, wife, a (recent) a small-business owner, teacher, musician, active community member, avid outdoor-enthusiast, and dog-owner. I am driven to do a lot, and I want to enjoy each experience (as I’m sure you do as well). I know that it’s easy to get bogged down by details and urgent issues. I know that it’s easy to let powerful people or forces dictate your schedule, and I know that we rarely prioritize self-care. I know reflection is important for growth, and that we rarely give it enough time. And I know we are each far more powerful than we think we are.

Life is complicated, and our systems should help us simplify it. 

I’ve spent many years trying to make sure I (and others) can find beauty in the busy-ness of life. I know what it’s like when beauty and calm are hard to find, but it’s my priority to help locate that beauty and satisfaction, so we can each reach our goals and be our best, most satisfied selves. 

I hope to support you in becoming the best version of yourself.

Kelly Vogel

Kelly Vogel is the founder of Sound Passage and Vogel Coaching and Consulting. She has over 20 years of experience as an educator and her passion is bringing embodiment and the voice into education and everyday life.


Do you manage time or does it manage you?


Reclaiming Time (Or, firing your bully time-keeper)